Curious where your
money goes?
By buying entries for a contest and sharing your participation on social media, you contribute to causes that matter. It takes heroes like YOU to help causes achieve great things!
Cause Heroes organizes contests by teaming up with brands that share our values. Thanks to them, we're able to offer prizes to reward our heroes while raising money and awareness for causes we care about.
Net proceeds from all ticket sales will be donated to the Climate Heroes Fund. Grantmaking is managed by
MakeWay, a Canadian charity that ensures the money gets distributed to the foundations associated with each contest.
Frequently asked questions
Those non-profit organizations will then use the entirety of the donations to do amazing work that makes a difference for important causes.
Thanks to you and other heroes in our community, we can help make the world a better place. There we have it: a positive impact made possible by a great team effort!